Dlouho vedení Viktorie Plzeň mlžilo. Dnes ale poprvé oficiálně potvrdilo: Stoper Marián Čišovský, který odehrál poslední zápas v březnu loňského roku, trpí vážnou chorobou. Údajně má být prozatím nevyléčitelná.
Long leadership Victoria Pilsen mlžilo. Today, but for the first time officially confirmed: Marián Čišovský Shortstop, who played the last match in March last year, is suffering from a serious disease. Reportedly has yet to be incurable.
Long lines Viktoria Plzen mlžilo. But today for the first time officially confirmed: Stopper Marián Čišovský, who played last match in March last year, suffering from a serious illness. Reportedly to be so far incurable.
For a long time keeping Victoria Plzen misty. But today for the first time officially confirmed it: shortstop Marián čišovský, which took place last game in March last year, is suffering from serious disease. It has allegedly incurable for the time being.