Brankář slovenského týmu Zemplín Michalovce Patrik Macej má v rukou dynamit! 22-letý legionář dokáže v klidu přehodit půlku hřiště a navíc přesně najít spoluhráče.
Goalkeeper of the Slovak team Zemplín Michalovce Patrik Dols is dynamite! the 22-year-old legionnaire can calmly throw a half course plus exactly find teammates.
Goalkeeper Slovak team Zemplin Michalovce Patrik Macej holds the dynamite! 22-year-old legionnaire can still throw half the pitch and moreover accurately find teammates.
the slovak team goalkeeper zemplín michalovce patrick macej is in the hands of dynamite! 22 year old legionnaire can still throw half of the pitch, and exactly find teammates.