Praha - Fotbalový reprezentant do 21 let Jiří Skalák se stal definitivně hráčem Mladé Boleslavi, kde dosud jen hostoval ze Sparty. Středočeši uplatnili opci a dnes dotáhli jeho přestup z Letné.
Prague-football player in 21 years of Jiří Skalák finally became the player of Mladá Boleslav, where he only from Sparta. Středočeši raised the option, and brought his now moving from letná.
Prague - FOOTBALL TEAM 21 years George Skalák became definitively player Mlada Boleslav, where previously only hosted from Sparta. Central Bohemia exercised the option and now dragged his change of Summer.
Prague - football representative to 21 years of age George became definitively skalák player Mlada Boleslav, where as yet only appeared as guest from Sparta. středočeši have exercised an option today and lugged his transferring from Letná.