Plzeň se dohodla s talentovaným Baránkem, podepíše smlouvu do léta 2018
17. prosince 2014 15:37
Souboj o talentovaného fotbalistu Jana Baránka vyhrála Plzeň. O jedenadvacetiletém stoperovi z Ostravy chvíli uvažovala i Sparta, ale nakonec se do jednání nehrnula. Baránek s lídrem první ligy podepíše smlouvu do léta 2018.
JE NÁŠ Plzeňský šéf Tomáš Paclík (vlevo) a generální ředitel Adolf Šádek vítají...
JE NÁŠ Plzeňský šéf Tomáš Paclík (vlevo) a generální ředitel Adolf Šádek vítají novou posilu Jana Baránka z Ostravy,. | foto:
Pro Plzeň nebylo složité Baránka získat, ve smlouvě s Baníkem měl klauzuli, za jakou částku je volný. Když ji Plzeň zaplatila, stačilo se dohodnout s ním. Což se stalo.
Ve čtvrtek dopoledne absolvuje bezmála dvoumetrový obránce vstupní zdravotní prohlídku v plzeňské fakultní nemocnici, následně je pro něj nachystána smlouva na tři a půl roku. Člen reprezentační jednadvacítky se trenéru Miroslavu Koubkovi se bude hlásit na lednovém startu zimní přípravy.
„Honzu jsme pozorovali delší dobu. Jedná se o velmi perspektivního fotbalistu, který v Baníku prokázal své nesporné kvality. Věříme, že v našem týmu se bude dále rozvíjet a bude platným článkem kádru v boji o titul a postup do evropských pohárů,“ řekl generální manažer plzeňského klubu Adolf Šádek.
„Rozhodující pro úspěšné jednání byl zájem hráče posunout se ve fotbalové kariéře dál, do Plzně chtěl už v zimě. Těší nás, že si z několika zájemců z Čech i ciziny vybral právě Viktorii,“ doplnil Šádek.
Baránek patří do reprezentace do 21 let, nejvyšší soutěž hraje pravidelně druhým rokem. Do ligového kádru Baníku patřil už ve svých devatenácti.
„Na Baník nedám dopustit, v klubu jsem vyrostl a jsem mu vděčný. Ale teď jsem se rozhodl pro Plzeň a věřím, že je to pro všechny strany správné řešení. Těším se na boj o titul a poháry,“ prohlásil Baránek. „Bylo by špatné, kdyby nejlepší český klub nedisponoval velkým množství kvalitních fotbalistů. Uvědomuji si, že se budu muset o své místo poprat.“
Plzeň o něj měla zájem už v létě, Baránek však zůstal a Ostravě pomohl k nejlepšímu podzimu za posledních pět let.
„V jednadvacítce nasbíral cenné zkušenosti s mezinárodním fotbalem, dalším cílem pro něj bude nyní prosadit se do sestavy ambiciózního týmu, který v příštím roce znovu čekají starty v evropských pohárech. Možnosti na další růst rozhodně má,“ řekl hráčův agent Viktor Kolář ze společnosti Sport Invest Group
Plzeň has agreed with the talented Baránkem, signs a contract to the summer of 2018December 17, 2014 15: 37Fight for a talented soccer player Jana Baránka won the Plzeň. About the jedenadvacetiletém stoperovi from Ostrava and Sparta thought for a while, but eventually in negotiations nehrnula. With the first League leader baránek signs a contract to the summer of 2018.Is OUR Republic boss Tomáš Anand P (left) and the Director-General Adolf-seen welcome to ...Is OUR Republic boss Tomáš Anand P (left) and the Director-General welcomed the new reinforcements Seen Adolf Jana Baránka from Ostrava. | Photo: Pilsen was difficult to obtain in the Treaty Baránka with Baníkem had a clause in which the amount is free. When it was paid to Pilsen to agree with him. Which happened.On Thursday morning, almost two-meter Defender completes the entry medical examination in Pilsen faculty hospital, then for him pending a contract for three and a half years. A member of the ice team, a red-eyed Miroslav Koubkovi will report to the January start of the winter training."John, we observed for a long time. This is a very promising soccer player, who was in the squad have demonstrated their undoubted quality. We believe that our team will continue to develop and be a valid article player in the fight for the title and the procedure in the European cups, "said the General Manager of the Pilsen Club Adolf Seen."Decisive for the successful negotiations was interested in the players move in football career next to Pilsen wanted to have in the winter. We are pleased that several candidates from Bohemia and abroad chose just Victoria, "said Seen.Baránek belongs to a team in 21 years, the highest competition plays regularly for the second year. The League player Squad was already in its 19."I'm not allowed To Baník in the Club I grew up and I am grateful to him. But now I have decided to and I believe that it is the right solution for all parties. I look forward to fighting for the title and cups, "said Baránek. "It would be bad if the best Czech Club lacked a large quantity of quality football players. I realize that I will have to fight for his place. "It had an interest in Pilsen in the summer, however, remained and Ostrava Baránek helped the best autumn for the past five years."In the jednadvacítce gathered valuable experience in international football, another goal for him will now push to report an ambitious team, which in the next year again, waiting for take-offs in European cups. Options for further growth certainly has, "said the player's agent Viktor Kolar of Sport Invest Group

Pilsen has agreed with the talented baránkem, shall sign a contract by the summer 2018
17 December 2014 15:37
duel for talented football player Jana baránka won Pilsen. The jedenadvacetiletém stoperovi from Ostrava and Sparta wondered for a moment, but in the end, the negotiations nehrnula. With the first league baránek leader signs the contract to the Summer 2018.
Is our Pilsner boss Tomas paclík (left) and general manager Adolf-Welcome ...
is our Pilsner boss Tomas paclík (left) and general manager Adolf-welcome new backup Jana baránka from Ostrava,. | Photo:
pro baránka Pilsen was not difficult to obtain, in a contract with a clause baníkem, at what amount is free. When her Pilsen paid,It was enough to make a deal with him. Which happened.
on Thursday morning undergoing nearly-defender entry medical examination at the Plzen University Hospital, subsequently is pending for him a contract for three and a half years. Member representative found the coach forty koubkovi repor on January launch winter preparation.
" " We watched for some time.This is a very promising footballer, who has demonstrated that the indisputable qualities. We believe in our team, will continue to develop and will be valid Article disabled list in the fight for the title and the procedure in the European cups," said General Manager club Pilsner Adolf-.
'critical for successful negotiations, a move in a football player interest in career on, down the Pilsen wanted it in the winter.We are pleased that you will find several candidates from the Czech Republic as well as abroad chose Victoria," adds-.
baránek belongs to team up to 21 years, the highest Competition plays regularly second year. The League disabled list that was already in its nineteen.
" to allow miner I will not give, in the club I grew up and I was grateful. But now I've decided to Pilsen and I believeIt's a good solution for all parties. I'm looking forward to the fight for the title and cups," he said baránek. "It would be wrong, if not best Czech club large amounts of good quality football players. I realize that I'll have to fight for position."
Pilsen to interest by the summer, however, remained and Ostrava baránek helped to the best autumn in the last five years.
"In jednadvacítce gathered valuable experience in international football, the next aim for him will now assert themselves in the report an ambitious team, which in the next year again waiting takeoffs in the European their drinking-bowls. The options on further growth certainly has," said player agent Viktor kolar of society sport invest group