Firma Dátá zabývá dovozem kamenů z Indie pro velkoodběratele a stavební firmy, zahradnictví, krbaře, ale i konečného zákazníka. Pokud potřebujete kámen ihned, můžete u nás koupit materiál přímo ze skladu. Máte-li časovou rezervu, dovezeme kámen podle Vašeho požadavku cca do 3 měsíců. Další významnou činností je kamenická výroba. Máte-li představu, co chcete, můžete přijít s nákresem a my Vám uděláme návrh. Je jenom na Vašem rozhodnutí, zda si koupíte pouze materiál nebo zda si podle přinesené šablony necháte uříznout kámen na míru. Pokud nechcete mít žádné starosti a zodpovědnost za výsledek, přiďte i pro Vás máme řešení. Stačí přijít s představou, jak má být co veliké. Podle Vaší představy uděláme předběžnou kalkulaci a sepíšeme závaznou objednávku. A pak se to rozběhne, náš technik přijede přímo k Vám a zaměří si prostor. Většinou do 14 dnů zhotovíme Vaše dílo a technici jedou k Vám domů montovat. Takže od této chvíle za čtvrnáct dni můžete vařit v krásné kamenné kuchyni nebo se koupat v úžasně obložené koupelně či zalévat květiny uložené na kamenném parapetu, hřát se u nově obloženého krbu, slavit na novém barovém pultíku či úřadovat na luxusním kamenném stole nebo si na malém kamenném stolečku vykládat tarot nebo popíjet jasmínový čaj.
Jsou ale momenty, kdy se může čas prodloužit. Nejčastějším, je že se Vám bude líbit kámen, který momentálně nemáme v takovém množství, jak je třeba. To se čeká rádo. Horší situace je, že si poprvé uděláte po prohlídce areálu své favority a při druhé návštěvě již nejsou k dispozici.
The company Dátá s.r.o. deals with the import of stones from India for wholesale and construction companies, horticulture, krbaře, but also the final customer. If you need a stone immediately, you can buy the material directly from the warehouse. If you have the slack, we deliver the stone according to your request about 3 months. Another important activity is the stonemasonry. If you have an idea of what you want, you can come up with a layout and we will do the design. It is only on your decision whether you buy only the material or by the template cut stone brought you leave in peace. If you do not have any worry and responsibility for results, come and we have a solution for you. You just need to come up with the idea of how to be great. According to your ideas we will do a preliminary calculation and get the binding order. And then it's up and running, our technician will come directly to you and focus your space. Usually within 14 days, we will produce your work and the technicians are going to your home. So from this moment for čtvrnáct day, you can cook in the beautiful stone kitchen or bath in the bathroom or amazingly sandwiched watering flowers stored on a stone sill, bask in the newly-warm fireplace, celebrate at the new bar tray or officiate at the luxurious stone table or on a small stone was deposited to interpret tarot or sipping Jasmine tea. But there are moments when time may be extended. The most common is that you will like the stone, which we don't have at the moment in such quantity, as it should be. It is waiting for you. The worse the situation is, that's the first time you make after visiting the premises of their favorites and on the second visit is no longer available.
The company dátá s.r.o. is involved in the import stones from India for wholesale and construction companies, horticulture, krbaře, but also final customer. If you need the stone immediately, you can buy material directly from the warehouse. If you have plenty of time, we get stone in accordance with your request to approximately 3 months. The other major activities is KAMENICKÁ manufacture. If you have an idea of what you wantYou can come up with diagram and we'll do the proposal. It's just for your decision, whether you want to buy them only material or whether you want to keep the template cut stone brought to peace. If you don't want any trouble and responsibility for the outcome, and come on out and we have a solution for you. Just come up with an idea that had to be what they're big.Your idea we'll do preliminary calculation and we'll write ourselves form The binding order. And then, it rushes up, our technician will come directly to you and will focus some space. Most of the time up to 14 days we your work and the technicians are going to your house mount.So from now on the čtvrnáct day, you can cook in a beautiful stone kitchen or take a bath in beautiful panelled bathroom needs watering flowers or imposed on a stone sill, bask in the newly who fire, celebrate the new lectern or office on the luxury stone table, or a table in a small stone Tarot interpreted or drinking jasmine tea.
are but moments,When the time may be extended. The most frequent, is that you will like stone, which at the moment we don't have in such an amount as required. It is waiting to here's your chance. worse situation is that for the first time you make after inspection area Their favorites and on the second occasion is no longer available.