Jaký víkend měli krajánci napříč Evropou? Tomáš Kalas nahrál na remízový gól, Vladimír Darida. hrál poprvé od zranění v základu a Patrik Schick? Ten dal další gól!
What weekend should krajánci across Europe? Tomáš Kalas approach to goal, Vladimír Darida. He played for the first time since the injury in the base and Patrik Schick? The next goal!
What a weekend we krajánci across Europe? Tomas Kalas recorded on a tie score, Vladimir Darida. He played for the first time since injury in base and Patrik Schick? He gave another goal!
what weekend had little shirelings across europe? tomas kalas recorded on remízový goal, vladimir darida. playing for the first time since injury in base and patrick schick? he made another goal!