Nevím jestli jsi četla můj poslední meil ale pro jistotu to posílám ještě jednou. Jsou tam nějaké změny. Letiště v Praze je asi 300 km letiště v Brně je asi 45 km.
Hi Lisa, I don't know if you've read my last meil but for sure I am sending it again. There are some changes. Prague Airport is about 300 km, Brno airport is about 45 km.
I do not know if you read my last Meili but for sure it will send again. There are some changes. Prague airport is about 300 km Brno airport is about 45 km.
hi, lisa.i don't know if you read my last mail but just in case, i'm sending again. there are some changes.prague airport is about 300 km, the airport in the city of brno is about 45 km.