CELLARSWINE WITH FLAVORS OF FOUR CENTURIESinařství cellars was founded in 1614 in Velké bílovice, traditional Moravian wine-growing village in times of boom Winery in Moravia. The founders of the winery were big men-reform group of the radical Reformation, peaceful and progressive minded people. They soon gained respect in Moravia as skilled craftsmen, great builders and in particular as an excellent wine. They set up vineyards, cellars and introduced progressive for its time, ways to care for the vines. They built many wine cellars and in the largest of them is now home and manufactures wine company of the same name – cellars.Big men enlarge has long since departed. The substance of their time, however, in the cellars of the Habánských survived the entire 400 years: toughness and hard work of the local wine-makers, the respect for the soil and the vines and the careful supervision at each stage of the production of wine. Thanks to this heritage still arise in the cellars of the Habánských unique wine with unique character-wines that have souls.HISTORY OF THE HABÁNSKÝCH CELLARS first records of Velké Bílovice originates from the 13th century. of the century. Later entries are always associated with the winery. The long tradition of winemaking is the drafting of local horenských rights (rights of the vineyard-vineyard mountain) of the year 1550. At the end of the 16. and 17. century, in the time of greatest development of Moravian winemaking, Velké Bílovice, more than 600 ha of vineyards. Its development has significantly contributed big men-reform Baptists.Those on the South Moravia got thanks to the invitation of Linhart, Prince of Liechtenstein, first at the Mikulov estate and later on. They called themselves the "Huterovi brothers" by their superior, Jakob Hutter, but in Moravia are the most commonly called "Habány" (by twisting the German Haus haben-to have a house).They were great builders. Year 1545 builds in bílovice haban Community Court for 300-450 members. Until today, has been preserved in Moravia, many buildings in particular wine cellars. The largest of them, the Habánský cellar, to this day, visitors will be enchanted with the atmosphere of old times.