while visiting vienna in 1991 at our žigulíku we have a flat tire. we went to a small tire shop in the passage of the apartment building. then we had the idea "that's it!" and thus began the right enthusiasm. no one doubted what do we do, just decided that we're in. father in the garage of our family house in prague 6 operated since december 1989. conducting anti-corrosive spray cavity and chassis of cars, but it was a "terrible smell": about), and it was obvious that it cannot be long. the idea of a tire shop was the salvation. father when he bought for all savings zouvačku and vyvažovačku. the compressor has no money, so we own home adapt old freight tatrovky.the garage (tire service) opened in february 1992, and that's what started this whole thing. we know little about the tyres, but things like accounting, banking and trading have nothing at all. at that time, we even expected that tires even we sell. it was the practice that people bought in barumce tires and tire shop is only were installed.in approximately year we acquired quite a range of clientele. we still don't know how we did it, and we're very pleased, when today's old customers who goes on from the beginning, and remember the old times.in 1994, we have adopted the first employee (martin peasant - service manager (10 strašnice) and in the following years, five more workers. everyone at work today.during the time we started selling tires. in the 1990s, they were not with us trade representative tyre manufacturers and we therefore for tyres went to germany and austria. successively from the us started to buy another pneuservisy tyre and autosalony and storage in paper street not enough, and at the same time, a tire shop in the family home was filled with disaster. in the street, many cars and the future was possible, but only in the new object.in 1997, we in the game, including bank, bought the land, started building, and in 2000, we opened a new modern tire service in prague 6 - winter. in 2004, followed by the opening of a tire shop in prague 4 - chode's, in 2007, we established a central warehouse in dobrovízi near prague, in 2010, we took a tire shop in prague 9 - čakovicích around kafka and in 2012 we opened a tire shop in prague 10, strašnicích.currently, we employ 75 employees.