Miller poprvé chytal a Sparta porazila v přípravě Jihlavu
28.01.2015, 14:16
28.01.2015 15:26
Praha - Fotbalisté Sparty porazili v dnešním přípravném utkání Jihlavu 3:1. Celý zápas za ligového mistra v Praze na Strahově odchytala nová posila brankář Miroslav Miller a první poločas odehrál ukrajinský obránce Serhij Ljulka, který je v letenském celku na zkoušce.
Brankář fotbalistů Boleslavi Miroslav Miller. ČTK Šálek Václav
"Ještě je příliš brzy dělat nějaký bližší závěr k výkonům příchozích hráčů," řekl novinářům trenér Vítězslav Lavička po výhře, kterou dvěma góly zařídil útočník David Lafata a jednou skóroval obránce Jakub Brabec. Za Jihlavu se trefil Ekvádorec Augusto Batioja.
"Sergej je tady s námi teprve druhý den, včera poprvé trénoval s týmem a dnes hrál. Míra Miller je na tom podobně, takže na nějaké závěry je opravdu brzy," přidal kouč letenského celku, který ve čtvrtek čeká další přípravný duel s Prostějovem a v sobotu odlet na soustředění v Turecku.
Čtyřiadvacetiletý Ljulka, který je hráčem Dynama Kyjev, nepřišel do neznámého prostředí, protože v minulosti odehrál 12 zápasů za Liberec. "Vzpomínám si na něj a také jsme se na něj ptali lidí z klubu a sledovali jsme ho i na Ukrajině. Má odehráno osm zápasů za áčko Dynama a uvidíme, jestli se dokáže poprat o smlouvu," prohlásil Lavička.
Miller first fielded and Sparta defeated in Jihlavareleased:28.01.2015, 14: 16Update:28.01.2015 15: 26Sparta Prague-Footballers beat in today's preliminary match Jihlava 3: 1. The whole match for the League champion in Prague on the Strahov odchytala new signing goalkeeper Miroslav Miller and first half played a Ukrainian Defender Lyulka, who Simo is a letenském unit to the test.PhotoFootball goalkeeper Boleslav Miroslav Miller. AFP Cup Václav"It is too early to do some further conclusion to performances incoming players," he told reporters after winning coach Vítězslav Bench, two goals by striker David Lafata arranged and once scored Defender Jakub Brabec. Under Jihlava hit Ekvádorec Augusto Batioja."Sergei is with us until the next day, yesterday for the first time he trained with the team and played today. A measure of Miller's Similarly, so any conclusions is really soon, "added the coach letenského unit which on Thursday waiting for more preparatory duel with Prostějovem and Saturday departure at training camp in Turkey.The driver, who is the player the Lyulka Dynamo Kiev, did not come into an unknown environment, because in the past he played 12 games for the Liberec. "I remember him and we also asked people to it from the Club, and we followed him to Ukraine. He has played eight matches for a Dynamo and see if they can fight about the Treaty, "said Bench.
Miller for the first time in the preparation time to catch him and Sparta defeated objevují
28.01.2015, 14:16
update: 28.01.2015 15:26
Prague - Sparta defeated football players in today's pre-trial match objevují 3:1. entire game for league master in Prague Cleveland odchytala new backup goaltender Miroslav Miller and the first half of the game took place Ukrainian defender serhij ljulka, which is in a whole letenském exams. photo
goalkeeper football players Boleslav Miroslav Miller. CTK cup Vaclav
"It is too early to do some closer conclusion performance incoming players," said coach vitezslav bench press after winning the race, the two goals arranged attacker David lafata scored once and defender Jakub Brabec. For objevují hit home ekvádorec Augusto batioja.
"Sergei is with us only on the second day,Yesterday for the first time I have been training with the team and played today. Rate Miller is in a similar situation, so to draw any other conclusions is really soon," added coach letenského whole that Thursday is waiting further preparatory duel with prostějovem and Saturday departure to camp in Turkey.
four ljulka, which is player dynamo Kiev, didn't come to an unknown environment,Because in the past he played 12 Games in Liberec. "I remember him, and we also have been to him asked the people from the club and we have been watching him as well as in the Ukraine. The odehráno eight matches for "dynamo, and let's see if he can fight for the contract," said bench.