Ligovým fotbalistou srpna je slávista Škoda, koučem Beránek
11.09.2014, 11:46
11.09.2014 11:47
Praha - Útočník pražské Slavie Milan Škoda se stal srpnovým vítězem ankety o nejlepšího ligového hráče měsíce, kterou pořádá Ligová fotbalová asociace. Úspěch červenobílých v hlasování fanoušků stvrdil Miroslav Beránek triumfem mezi trenéry.
Utkání 3. kola první fotbalové ligy: SK Slavia Praha - FC Slovan Liberec, 10. srpna v Praze. Milan Škoda ze Slavie se raduje z gólu. ČTK Šimánek Vít
Osmadvacetiletý Škoda, lídr ligové tabulky střelců, získal 2876 hlasů a přibližně o 500 hlasů porazil útočníka Slovácka Libora Doška. Třetí skončil reprezentační záložník Václav Pilař z Plzně. Škoda, který ještě v minulé sezoně nastupoval jako stoper, dal v srpnu pět ze svých šesti ligových branek a pomohl Pražanům k aktuálnímu druhému místu v tabulce.
"Je to ocenění spíš pro celý mančaft než jen pro mě, protože se nám docela dařilo. Já jsem zúročil úsilí celého týmu a dával góly, za což jsou důležité body, ale kluci mi ty šance zase připravili. Bez nich bych to nedokázal," uvedl v tiskové zprávě Škoda, který kvůli zranění nedohrál poslední ligový duel v Mladé Boleslavi.
Slavia stejně jako v prvním díle ankety předloni v září vyhrála v obou kategoriích. Tehdy uspěli stoper Martin Latka a kouč Petr Rada, nyní se ke Škodovi přidal trenér Beránek. Vršovičtí se po jeho příchodu nečekaně rychle zvedli a dávají zapomenout na neúspěšné minulé sezony.
Beránek získal dokonce ještě víc hlasů než Škoda a porazil druhého Svatopluka Habance ze Slovácka a třetího Luboše Kozla z Dukly. "Moc mě to těší. Jsem rád, že tak jako přesvědčujeme k naší společné cestě hráče, se nám podařilo zmobilizovat i slávistické příznivce," uvedl Beránek.
Hráč měsíce: 1. Milan Škoda (Slavia) 2876 hlasů, 2. Došek (Slovácko) 2364, 3. Pilař (Plzeň) 2255.
Trenér měsíce: 1. Beránek (Slavia) 2959, 2. Habanec (Slovácko) 2346, 3. Kozel (Dukla) 2169.
The league footballer August is slávista I wish coach Lamb
11.09.2014, issued: 11: 46 update:
11: 47
Prague-Slavia Prague Striker Milan Skoda became the winner of the August poll for the best League player of the month, the League organized by the Football Association. The success of red in the vote of the fans said Miroslav Beránek triumph among the trainers.
photo match 3. the wheels of the first Football League: Slavia Prague-FC Slovan Liberec, 10. August in Prague. Milan Skoda from Slavia rejoices of the goal. REUTERS Šimánek Vit
Osmadvacetiletý Pity, leader of the League table, shooters has earned 2876 votes and about 500 votes defeated Slovakia striker Libor Doška. Representative finished third midfielder Vaclav Pilař pity from Plzeň. that even in the last season played as a shortstop, he gave in August to five of their six league goals and helped the Lofty to the current second-place in the table.
"it is the appreciation for the whole team is it rather than just for me, because we quite succeeded. I am able to make the effort of the entire team and goals, which are important points, but you guys have the chance again. I couldn't have done it without them, "he said in a press release that Damage due to injury nedohrál the last League duel in Mladá Boleslav.
Slavia, as well as in the first part of the year in September polls won in both categories. If succeeded shortstop Martin Latka and coach Petr Rada, now to Škodovi added coach lamb. Vršovičtí after his arrival raised quickly and unexpectedly give forget the unsuccessful last season.
Lamb won even more votes than Shame and defeat of the second Habance of Slovakia and Svatopluk third Luboš Kozel of Dukla. "I'm enjoying it. I am glad that our faculties as well as to our common way players, we managed to mobilize and slávistické fans,' said lamb.
player of the month: 1. Milan Skoda (Slavia) 2876 votes, 2. Došek (Slovacko) 2364, 3. P. (Plzeň) 2255.
Coach of the month: 1. Beranek (Slavia) 2959, 2. Habanec (Slovacko) 2346, 3. Kozel (Dukla) 2169.

League footballer Slavia August, Škoda, coach Lamb Released: September 11, 2014, 11:46 update: September 11, 2014 11:47 Prague - Slavia Prague attacker Milan Škoda became the winner of the August poll of the league's best player of the month, organized by the Football Association League. Success in red and white fans vote Miroslav Beranek confirmed the triumph of the coaches. foto match third round of the first football league: SK Slavia Praha - FC Slovan Liberec, August 10 in Prague. Milan Škoda from Slavia rejoices goal. ČTK Šimánek Vit twenty-eight pity league leader scorer, received 2,876 votes and by about 500 votes defeated Slovakia striker Libor thatch. The third was a representative midfielder Vaclav Pilar of Pilsen. Too bad that even last season he took as a stopper, gave in August, five of their six league goals and helped the people of Prague to the current second place in the table. "It's an appreciation for all mančaft rather than just for me, because we are quite successful. I I capitalized on the efforts of the whole team and gave goals for which points are important, but the guys turn me the chance to prepare. Without them I could not do it, "he said in a press release damages that injury nedohrál League final duel in Mlada Boleslav. Slavia well as in the first part of the year before the survey in September won in both categories. Then succeeded stopper Martin Latka and coach Petr Rada, now joined to the detriment of coach Lamb. Vršovice after his arrival unexpectedly quickly got up and makes us forget the unsuccessful last season. Beranek received even more votes than Skoda and defeated second Svatopluka Habance of Slovakia and third Lubos Kozel of Dukla. "I'm very pleased. Glad so as to convince our common journey players, we managed to mobilize and Slavia fans," said Lamb. player of the month: 1st Milan Škoda (Slavia) 2,876 votes, second Došek (Moravian Slovakia) 2364 3rd Pilar (Plzen) 2255th Coach of the Month: 1st Lamb (Slavia) 2959, 2nd Habanec (Moravian Slovakia) 2346, 3rd Kozel (Dukla) 2169th

From the NBA soccer player is slávista August it's a shame, coach lamb
11.09.2014, 1146
update: 11.09.2014 11:47
Prague - Prague and Milan attacker shame became August winner poll for the best league player month, which organizes this soccer association. Success and the fans vote reconfirmed Miroslav lamb triumph between coaches.
photo match 3.Wheels first football league: SK Slavia Praha - FC Slovan Liberec, 10 August in Prague. It's a shame of Milan and the delights of goal. CTK Šimánek Vít
-it's a shame, a leader table-shooters, he won by about 500 votes 2876 votes and beat assailant Slovácko various Libor. Third ended representative reservist Vaclav Pilař from Pilsen. It's a shameWhich was still in the last season was getting as shortstop gave in August five of its six league wickets and helped na to the current second place in the table.
"It's awards more than for the whole it just for me, because we did pretty well. I'm from efforts whole team and giving goals, for which points are important, but the boys me the chance another set-up.Without them I couldn't do it," he said in a press release it's a shame that because of its wound nedohrál last league duel in Mlada Boleslav.
Slavia as in the first survey year before work in September won in both categories. That's when they don't fail shortstop Martin Latka and coach Peter Council, now the škodovi joined coach lamb.The vršovičtí after his arrival unexpectedly quickly rose, and they forget the failed last season.
lamb gained even more votes than damage and beat second Svatopluka habance of Slovácko and third Luboš dukly from goat. "I'm so happy for you. I'm glad that as much as we persuade to our common way players, we mobilized the slávistické supporters," said the Lamb.
player months: 1. it's a shame Milan (Slavia) 2876 votes, 2. O. (Slovácko) 2364, 3. Pilař (Pilsen) 2255.
coach months: 1 lamb (Slavia) 2959, 2. Habanec (Slovácko) 2346, 3. Kozel (Aso) 2169.