Matějovského čeká proti Neapoli 50. pohárový zápas
26.11.2014, 18:26
26.11.2014 19:40
Praha - Proti Neapoli odehraje záložník Marek Matějovský ze Sparty 50. zápas v evropských pohárech. A právě výsledek čtvrtečního zápasu může hodně napovědět, jestli dvaatřicetiletý fotbalista v této sezoně ještě nějaké přidá. Kdyby totiž letenský celek uspěl, hodně by se přiblížil postupu do play off.
Tisková konference fotbalového klubu Sparta Praha před utkáním 5. kola základních skupin Evropské ligy s SSC Neapol 26. listopadu v Praze. Zleva hráč Marek Matějovský a trenér Vítězslav Lavička. ČTK Vondrouš Roman
"Chtěli bychom slavit už zítra. Půjdeme do toho s tím, abychom uspěli, a kdyby to vyšlo, byli bychom moc rádi," řekl na tiskové konferenci Matějovský, který si prý pamatuje na většinu svých zápasů v pohárech. "Ale vybrat jeden nejzajímavější je těžký. Byl bych hlavně rád, kdybych jich přidal ještě co nejvíc," dodal.
Matějovský moc dobře ví, že Sparta nemá osud zcela ve svých rukou, protože i když zvítězí, potřebuje k postupu pomoc Slovanu Bratislava v souběžně hraném utkání s Young Boys Bern. "Musíme se soustředit na náš zápas a neohlížet se na to druhé. Uvidíme po zápase, jak to dopadne," uvedl.
Proti Neapoli, s kterou Sparta první zápas v Itálii prohrála 1:3, však českého mistra nečeká nic lehkého. "Všichni moc dobře víme, jakou sílu mají hlavně v útoku," řekl Matějovský. "Marek Hamšík je jedna ze součástek, která umí být nebezpečná, Higuaín je značka sama, gólů dal opravdu hodně. Ale jednoho hráče bych nejmenoval, čeká nás nebezpečí z více míst," prohlásil.
Matějovský against Naples, 50. Cup matchreleased:26.11.2014, 18: 26Update:26.11.2014 19: 40Prague-against Marek Matejovsky midfielder plays Naples from Sparta 50. match in the European Cup. And just the result of Thursday's match can help a lot if 3 2nd footballer this season have any adds. If letenský all succeeded, a lot would be approached to play off.PhotoPress Conference of the football club Sparta Prague before game 5. wheels of the basic groups of the European League with the SSC Napoli 26. November in Prague. The left player Marek Matějovský and coach Vítězslav Bench. REUTERS Vondrouš Roman"We would like to celebrate tomorrow. We'll go into it with us to succeed, and if it worked, we'd be very pleased, "he said at a press conference that he's Michal Matějovský remembers most of his matches in the Cup. "But the most difficult is to choose one. I'd especially like, if I have added as much as possible, "he added.Matějovský very well knows that the fate of Sparta does not entirely in their hands, because even if they win, he needs to help his former club Slovan Bratislava in a parallel tournament match with Young Boys of Bern. "We have to concentrate on our game and never looked at the other. I'll see you after the game, as it turns out, "he said.Against Naples, which Sparta first game in Italy, lost 1: 3, but the Czech master nothing easy. "We know all too well what power they have, especially in attack," said Matejovsky. "Marek Hamšík about the plans is one of the components, which can be dangerous, Higuaín is a brand itself, really gave a lot of goals. But the one player I was, waiting for us the danger from more places, "he said.
matějovského waiting against Naples 50. Super Bowl game
26.11.2014, 1826
update: 26.11.2014 19:40
Prague - Naples takes place against a reservist Marek Matějovský from Sparta 50. game in European their drinking-bowls. And just think of the game Thursday May result something, if-football player in this season adds some more. He had a whole letenský succeeded,It would be moved closer to the play-off.
press conference football club Sparta Prague ahead of the competition 5. wheels basic groups European league with SSC Napoli 26 November in Prague. Left-to-player Marek Matějovský and coach vitezslav bench. CTK vondrouš Roman
"We would like to celebrate tomorrow. We go at it with that that we succeed, and if it had worked, we would love,"He said at the press conference Matějovský, which he says he remembers the majority of their games in their drinking-bowls. "But select the most interesting one is heavy. I would just like, if I had added them as much as possible," he added.
Matějovský knows too well that Sparta has no fate entirely in my hands, because even when they win,He needs to help procedure slovanu Bratislava in desperate game in parallel with young boys Bern. "We have to concentrate on our game and don't look for the other. I'll see you after the game, how it turns out," he said.
against Naples, with the first game in Italy lost 1:3 Sparta, however, Czech master expects it's not easy. "We all know what kind of powers are mainly in charge," said Matějovský."Marek hamšík is one of components, which can be dangerous, higuaín is the mark itself, goals gave you a really a lot. But one more player I was, there's danger from more places," he said.