Monitoring vozidel
Přehled o provozu firemních vozidel si díky produktům Jablotronu mohou dovolit nejen velké firmy, ale i menší živnostníci. Podnikejte efektivně!
S našimi produkty můžete mít v aplikaci Auto na mapě, která je součástí internetové Samoobsluhy, okamžitý přehled o pozici vozidel, jejich stavu a rychlosti. Můžete tak svým zákazníkům předávat přesné informace o času dojezdu vašich pracovníků, kontrolovat časové harmonogramy nebo hlídat spotřebu.
Auto na mapě je pomocník i v případě, kdy se Vám nechce zdržovat se s vypisováním knihy jízd pro vaše firemní vozidlo, i když je jen jediné.
Monitoring vehicles An overview of the operation of the company's products Jablotronu vehicles can afford not only large companies but also small business owners. Do business effectively! With our products you can have in your Car on a map, which is part of the Internet, Self-service instant overview of the position of the vehicles, their status and speed. You can forward your customers accurate information about the coastdown time your employees, check schedules or watch the consumption.Car on a map is a helper, even if when you don't want to bother with the book business for your company vehicle, even if it is just a single one.
Monitoring vehicles
an overview of operation corporate vehicles, with Jablotron products can afford not only large companies, but also less on. podnikejte efficiently!
with our products you can have the application car on the map, which is part' internet, instant overview of position vehicles, their condition and the speed.You can also transmit their customers accurate information on coastdown time your workers, check timetables or keep an eye on consumption.
car on the map is a servant even in the case where you don't want to run out the clock with With of the journey log for your business vehicle even if there is only one.