Baník Ostrava propustil kouče Svědíka, tým povede Frňka
12.12.2014, 11:32
12.12.2014 13:10
Ostrava - Baník Ostrava odvolal trenéra Martina Svědíka, který dovedl tým v podzimní části fotbalové ligy k pátému místu. Jeho nástupcem se dnes stal Petr Frňka, kterého čeká premiéra v roli hlavního kouče v nejvyšší soutěži. Dosud vedl druholigové Táborsko. Svědík skončil v Ostravě i přesto, že po pěti letech vyvedl Baník na podzim ze sestupového pásma. Ještě začátkem listopadu s ním dokonce držel čtvrté místo, které na konci sezony zaručuje start v Evropské lize.
Baník Ostrava dismissed coach Svědíka, team lead Frňkareleased:12.12.2014, 11: 32 amUpdate:12.12.2014 13: 10Ostrava-Baník Ostrava appealed to coach Martina Svědíka, who led the team in the autumn part of the Football League to fifth place. His successor Peter Frňka today, which is waiting for the Prime Minister in the role of the coach in the highest competition. Druholigové has led Tabor town. Svědík ended up in Denver, even though that after five years out of the autumn Yogi glide path bandwidth. Yet even with him in early November held fourth place, which at the end of the season warrants start in the European League.

miner Ostrava dismissed coach svědíka, team will lead frňka
12.12.2014, 11:32
update: 12.12.2014 13.10
Ostrava - miner Ostrava appealed coach Martina svědíka, who led the team in the autumn of football league to the fifth place. His successor, Peter frňka today became the prime minister in his role as head coach is waiting in the top competition. Yet led druholigové Tábor.svědík ended in Ostrava despite the fact that after five years, he led miner in the autumn of glide zone. Even the beginning of November with him even held fourth place, which at the end season guarantees start in the European League.