Fotbalisty Příbrami by mohl posílit útočník Fořt
16.01.2015, 12:59
16.01.2015 13:10
Praha - Fotbalisty Příbrami by mohl posílit útočník Pavel Fořt. Bývalý hráč Plzně, Slavie, Toulouse, FC Brusel, Dynama Drážďany a naposledy Slovanu Bratislava je u Litavky na zkoušce. Vedení desátého celku první ligy o tom informovalo na klubovém webu.
28. kolo první fotbalové ligy Viktoria Žižkov - SK Slavia Praha 18. května v Praze. Pavel Fořt ze Slavie se raduje z gólu. ČTK ČTK
"Pavla všichni znají, je to gólový útočník. Uvidíme, jak se mu bude na tréninku dařit," řekl prezident Příbrami Jaroslav Starka. Na testy přišel také obránce Lukáš Bodeček ze Žižkova. "Mají šanci ukázat, že do kádru patří. Teď je na trenérovi Tobiášovi, aby rozhodl, jestli můžou být pro klub posilami," dodal.
Fořt je bez angažmá od konce podzimu, kdy se s ním Slovan dohodl na ukončení smlouvy. V Bratislavě působil od července 2013 a s klubem získal v minulé sezoně titul, velkou část ročníku ale vynechal kvůli plicní embolii. V roce 2009 byl také u ligového triumfu Slavie, celkem v české nejvyšší soutěži Fořt odehrál 100 zápasů a dal 26 branek.
Footballers could strengthen an attacker Příbram Fořtreleased:16.01.2015, 12: 59 pmUpdate:16.01.2015 13: 10Prague-Pribram Footballers could strengthen an attacker Pavel Fořt. The former player of Pilsen, Slavia, Toulouse, FC Brussels, Dynamo Dresden and Slovan Bratislava is at last Litavka rivers on the test. Management of the whole of the 10th first League informed the Club Web site.Photo28. the first round of the Football League Viktoria Žižkov-Slavia Prague 18. may in Prague. Pavel Fořt from Slavia rejoices of the goal. AFP AFP"Paul, we all know it is gólový an attacker. We'll see how he will be at practice to flourish, "said the President of Příbram Jaroslav stark. The tests also came the Defender Luke Bodeček of žižkov. "They have a chance to show that the player belongs to. Now it is on coach Tobiášovi, to decide if they can be for the Club reinforcements, "he added.BAYAR is without engagement from the end of autumn, when Slovan with him agreed to termination of the contract. In Bratislava he worked from July 2013 and with the club won last season's title, a large part of the year but missed due to pulmonary embolism. In 2009, he was also the League triumph of Slavie, total in the Czech Top 100 competition played matches and Simo gave 26 goals.

footballers Příbrami it could reinforce attacker Fořt
16.01.2015, 12:59
update: 16.01.2015 13.10
Prague - footballers Příbrami it could reinforce attacker Paul Fořt. Former player Pilsen, and, Toulouse, FC Brussels, dynamo Dresden and last slovanu Bratislava is the Litavka at a rehearsal. Keeping a whole tenth first league has informed about the club web site.
28.First round Football League Viktoria Zizkov - SK Slavia Prague, 18 May in Prague. Paul Fořt and the delights of the goal. CTK CTK
"Paul everybody knows, it's gólový attacker. Let's see how he will do very well at practice," said the President Příbrami Jaroslav stark. The tests also came from defender Luke natěračství stadion. "They've got chance to prove that he belongs in the disabled list.Next up is the coach tobiášovi to decide if they can be reinforcements for the club," he added.
Fořt is without engagement from late autumn, when it is Slovan agreed to end of the contract. He has worked in Bratislava since July 2013 and the club won the title last season, but he's missed much of year for pulmonary embolism. In 2009 He was also the league triumph and,The highest total in the Czech competition Fořt played 100 games and gave 26 wickets.